The traveling fundraisers have hit the air yesterday, flying in seperate directions to attend fundraisers on the east and west coasts simultaneously. After appearing at three fundraisers last night, and an NBC interview this morning, the President flies to Puerto Rico today to collect dollars from supporters there. He'll spend 5 hours on that island and give 2 press interviews. Then he's off to a Democratic National Committee fundraiser before he returns to Washington tonight. Too bad the citizens of that commonwealth cannot vote for in our general election.
While he was off in the east, the First Lady took another Air Force jet and flew to California for more campaign dollars. Using a public event supporting military families as cover for her travel expenses, she attended 2 fundraisers. Today, he will attend two more fundraisers and may waive to the people while she's in transit.
The Obama's and the DNC have a $1 billion dollar fundraising goal which they will use for his reelection and retirement purposes.
Great post! I can tell you why because most of the people in Puerto Rico are poor and uneducated and don't know any better. So he pulls votes where ever he can. Puerto Rico is a commenwealth of US and we are free to travel back and forth without visas. So at any time there may be thousands visiting PR that live here or others planning to move here permanently. I was born in Puerto Rico and they need to become a state badly. I have been struggling for the past year alone to sell my elderly mothers home there. Everything is different in regards to land and home ownership. Crime is insane you cannot look at someone the wrong way without fear of being shot. Criminals run the streets free even if they kill others. Medical care is horrible so don't every get sick there. I can tell you lots of stories. Beggining with my father who was on deaths bed while the doctors said nothing was wrong. We got him here and by the next day we knew he was dying of lung cancer and it had also spread to his head. I am ashamed not of my heritage but of what Puerto Rico has turned into. You can still find beauty in the island but you must be careful when visiting. Coming from one who knows:) and from the blog frog. Thank you for joining my community. I have been playing catchup When you get a chance please stop over and join my blog and enter one of my giveaways. Thank you!