Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tough week - Obama played his 101st round of golf and attended 9 fundraisers.

Team Obama attended 13 fundraising events this past week. Altogether, they visited 9 different cities (not including DC). Mr. Obama covered the East Coast states, hitting New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Georgia and Florida twice. In the process, he attended 9 campaign events by himself. VP Biden visited Louisiana, Illinois, and Iowa, and Mrs. Obama slammed Illinois as well. Each of them attended 2 campaign events.

Aside from attending campaign events, the President's schedule was very light. He met with Senior Advisers once, had one daily briefing, and met with Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Bryson.

In addition, he managed to play his 101st round of golf and ate ice cream in Durham, NH.

Below is a summary of the President's activities during the week of Wednesday June 20 through Tuesday June 26, 2012.

Today, Tuesday, June 26, 2012
  • President Obama leaves Boston MA and flies to Atlanta GA where he will attend 2 campaign events. After, he will boards the plane again and fly to Miami Florida where he will appear in 2 more fundraisers.
  • Mrs. Obama traveled to Chicago IL and speaks a campaign event. Next, she meets with the IL Governor as he signs an Military Family Licensing Act. Lastly, she she caps the day by attending another campaign event.
  • VP Biden delivers remarks at a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa.
  • Jill Biden speaks at the DC College Access Program graduation celebration.
Monday, June 25, 2012
  • Mr Obama  took Air Force One to Portsmouth NH and delivered remarks at a campaign event at the Oyster River High School. Later, he traveled to Boston MA and attended 3 more fundraisers.
  • Mr. Biden traveled to Chicago IL and attended an afternoon fundraiser. He then flew to Waterloo IA for the night.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
  • Duffer Obama played his 101st round of golf as President of the United States.
Friday, June 22, 2012
  • Mr Obama flew to Orlando FL, and spoke at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials’ Annual Conference (for laughs, watch the "No Forks video below"). Then, he flew to Tampa FL and attended 1 campaign event.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
  • As President, Mr. Obama: attended 2 morning meetings starting at 10AM; had lunch with Biden; talked about student loans; and met with Mr. Bryson.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
  • Mr. Obama returned to DC (from Los Cabos) by 1:30AM. There was nothing else on his public schedule.
  • Mr. Biden traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana and delivered remarks at the 37th Annual Convention and Career Fair of the National Association of Black Journalists.

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