The U.S. is still the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world,
Obama said,
"but we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades."
It's wonderful to hear that our President has such little faith in our society, even though it is we, the American people, who fund this man's welfare, safety, travel and entertainment extravaganzas.
But, at least, no one can accuse Barack Obama for being lazy. During the past week, he has met with foreign leaders trying to bolster certain parts of the world economy. Meanwhile, his Vice President is focused on fundraising.
Obama as flown across both oceans and is having a grand old time. Below is a brief summary of our elected officials travels since we last updated our blog on November 1st.
Tue Nov 15 - Today, the Obamas are leaving Honolulu Hawaii and flying to Canberra Australia. The VP, Joe Biden, is traveling to Euclid Ohio to deliver a labor speech and then attend a Cresskill NJ
Mon Nov 14 - Obama attended a
campaign event in Kapolei Hawaii,
then he treated friend, who pleaded guilty (no contest) to soliciting a prostitute, to a round of golf on our buck.
Sun Nov 13 - Michelle and the President hosted APEC leaders at a dinner and reception. Biden went to Detroit MI for a
campaign event for Sen Debbie Stabenow. Next he delivers remarks at Yeshiva Beth Yehudah Dinner in Detroit in order to try to make ammends with the Jewish Comminity.
Sat Nov 12 - Obama & wife arrive in Honolulu HI. He met with Trans-Pacific Partnership leaders and later had individual meetings with PM Noda of Japan, President Medvedev of Russia, President Hu of China. Lastly, the First Couple welcomed APEC leaders and their spouses at an arrival ceremony.
Fri Nov 11 - Veterans Day - The President and First Lady have breakfast with veterans. They laid a wreath and talked at Arlington National Cemetery. That afternoon, the couple flew to San Diego CA and attended a
basketball game on USS Carl Vinson. He was interviewed by Westwood One and ESPN. Then he hopped on Air Force One to Hawaii. VP Joe Binen attended events in Media PA and NYC.
Thu Nov 10 - Mrs Obama speaks at US Chamber of Commmerce event. Biden flies to Manchester NH to speak at an American Legion, then a
campaign event in Concord NH.
Wed Nov 9 - President meets with President Silva of Portugal and then speaks at National Women's Law Center annual awards dinner.
Tue Nov 8 - Obama is still in Philadelphia and visits a Yeadon PA classroom. Michelle at Georgetown University. Biden meets with PM of the Kurdistan region.
Mon Nov 7 - Obama arrives in Philadelphia and talks about jobs again. After, he met with the NATO Secretary General and
attended a campaign event.
Sun Nov 6 - Nothing on the public schedule.
Sat Nov 5 - Jill Biden at Home Cooking Event
Fri Nov 4 - Obama arrives at Espace Riviera in Cannes France and participates in various G10 events then flies back to DC. In the U.S., Biden visits the University of Pittsburgh in order to attend an afternoon
campaign event. His wife, Jill, worked the crowd at a Lesbians & Gays National Convention.
Thu Nov 3 - President arrives in Nice France to work on G10.
There, he and Sarkozy insult Netanyahu.
Wed Nov 2 - Michelle hosted Arts & Humanities Awards program. Both the President & VP met with Senate Democratic leaders. Obama flew off to France and the Bidens had dinner with the Cantors.