Today is the historic 150th year anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address eulogy to the slain and wounded soldiers who sacrificed at that historic battlefield. But conspicuously missing from this commemoration will be the nation's current leader, President Obama.
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The Obamacare roll-out difficulties are requiring President Obama to spend more time with his senior staff. During the past week, he met with his senior advisers twice, Secretary of Defense Hagel twice, Secretary of State Kerry once, and Secretary of Treasury Lew once. In addition, he received a daily briefing each weekday, met with healthcare CEO's, delivered speeches about the Affordable Health Care Act, and worked with his political Organizing for Action group.
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While this time consuming distraction limited his free time, the President was still able to play his 151st (as President) round of golf, attend an Oregon State basketball game to see his brother-in-law, and send out donation solicitations for
The weekly fundraising and entertainment duties we delegated to his wife Michelle and Vice President Biden. During this time, Mr. Biden attended 3 fundraising events, two in North Carolina and one in Georgia. Michelle Obama flew to New York City to obtain funds. And even President Obama was able to attend a Philadelphia fundraiser at a private residence.
Mrs Obama participated in a guest appearance taping of "106 & Park", and flew to Disney World to attend a conference.
Unfortunately, Mr. Obama was only able to fly to Cleveland Ohio this week, although VP Biden visited Houston TX and is now in Panama City, Panama.
Weekly Air Force One and Helicopter flying time (25.5 hours total):
- President Obama: White House to Cleveland OH to Philadelphia PA to Washington DC : (1.25 + 1.5 + .75 ) = 3.5 hours
- Michelle Obama : White House to New York City (round trip) : 3 hours
- Michelle Obama : White House to Orlando FL (round trip) : 4.5 hours
- VP Biden : Washington DC to Houston TX to Panama City Panama : (3.25 + 4.25) = 7.5 hours
- VP Biden : Washington DC to Charlotte NC to Chapel Hill NC to Washington DC : (1.5 + 1 + 1) = 3.5 hours
- VP Biden : Washington DC to Atlanta GA (round trip) : 3.5 hours
Below is a summary of President Obama's official schedule during the week of Wednesday November 13 through Tuesday November 19 2013.
Today, Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- President Obama receives a daily briefing at 10 AM. Next at 10:"45 AM, he will meet with bipartisan senators to discus Iran. At 3:15 PM, he will speak and take questions at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council meeting. Lastly, he will meet with Secretary of Defense Hagel at 4:30 PM.
- VP Biden held meetings with Panama President Martinelli in Panama City.
Monday, November 18, 2013
- President Obama received a daily briefing at 10:15 AM, and then with senior advisers at 11:00 AM. Lastly, he met with Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew at 3:30 PM. In the evening, he participated in an Organizing for Action conference call in an attempt to get his political action supporters to push Obamacare.
- Michelle Obama attended a Democratic DSCC fundraising event in New York
City. At 3 PM, she taped an episode for the BET "106 & Park"
show which will be aired tonight.
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- VP Biden flew to Houston Texas and spoke about infrastructure to 50 people volunteering to enroll people into Obamacare exchanges. From there, he flew to Panama City Panama.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
- President Obama played his 40th round of golf with rip director Marvin Nicholson, his brother Walt Nicholson, and Joe Paulsen of the White House advance office.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
- President Obama, and family, attended the Oregon State-Maryland basketball game in College Park, Md.
Friday, November 15, 2013
- President Obama received a daily briefing at 10:30 AM. At 2 pm, he met with his senior advisers. He also met with health insurance company CEOs to discuss the Affordable Care Act.
- VP Biden attended a DNC fundraising event in Charlotte NC in the morning. Just before 1 PM, he attended a fundraising event for Sen Hagen in Chapel Hill NC.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
- President Obama received a daily briefing at 9:30 AM. Next, he delivered a statement about the Affordable Care Act at 11:35 AM. A little later, he left the White House at 1 PM and flew to Cleveland Ohio where he tourec ArcelorMittal and delivered remarks. He then flew to Philadelphia at spoke at a Democratic DSCC fundraising event. Lastly, he flew back to Washington DC.
- Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker at a Veterans Institute workshop at Walt Disney World in Florida.
- VP Biden delivered remarks at a DNC fundrasiser in Atlanta GA.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
- President Obama received a daily briefing at 10:05 AM. Then at 10:50 AM, he met with faith leaders. At 3:30 PM, he delivered remarks at the Department of Interior Tribal Nations Conference. Lastly, he met with Secretary of State John Kerry (4:30 PM), and with Secretary of Defense Hagel (5:15 PM).